Aubergine Dip

Aubergine Dip

A dip made with roasted aubergine, olive oil, lemon juice, cumin, garlic and some seasoning.

Another abitmoreveg recipe for another dip – I’m fond of my dips. I haven’t made this since but it tasted a lot better than it looks in the photos.

There is a Middle Eastern aubergine dip called Baba Ganoush. It’s known for it’s smoky flavour. This dip does not have a smoky flavour – and it doesn’t use tahini. It’s more of a paleo version of hummus – well, kind of. Roasted aubergine puréed with lemon juice, garlic, cumin, salt and pepper. Really simple and really nice.

I was intending to do a Baba Ganoush recipe on the barbeque, perfect for summer. And up until a fortnight ago the weather was perfect for barbeques, but wouldn’t you know it as soon as I decide to barbeque related recipes it rains nearly everyday since. Then because I had already got the aubergines I decided to just try roasting them in the oven in their skins. Their flesh tastes so sweet this way. I didn’t add any tahini because sometimes I find tahini a bit bitter – I think I just need to find the right brand.

I’ve gone a bit aubergine crazy since the mushroom moussaka. I was going to promise that this would be the last recipe featuring aubergine for a while but I just remembered that I’ve two recipes on the inspiration post with aubergine that I want to try. I also like slices of aubergine roasted with certain spices so I might do a quick post on that too. But then that will be it. – Well, for a while at least. Anyway it’s good for you.

When I made the dip for this post the aubergines I use were softer than the ones I used the first time I made it and I found that the softer aubergines produced a lot more “juice” when roasted. I didn’t drain it off because it was full of flavour, however if you find the thought of soggy dip off-putting, and your roasted aubergines produce that much juice just drain it off.

The roasted aubergine can have a lot of juice – if this happens place in a sieve for a few minutes for the juice to drain off.

Aubergine Dip

Aubergine Dip


  • 2 aubergines, roasted, peeled and chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice


  1. Put all the ingredients into a blender /food-mixer and pulse till roughly blended.
  2. Store in a jar or air-tight container in the fridge. Stays good for up to 5 days.

To roast the aubergines, place on a baking sheet or tin and bake for about 45 minutes – the skin will be like dry paper. There is no need to use oil.
peel aubergines
When they’re done take out the aubergine and let them cool for at least 5 minutes. Chop off the green top and discard. The skin will peel off easily. Discard the skin and dice the flesh.
Serve with radishes, olives and pitta bread – or some rosemary & pepper gluten-free crackers.