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Broccoli Carrot and Apple Salad

Broccoli Carrot and Apple Salad

This is great little salad. It’s sweet and crunchy, and the nuts and seeds make it quite filling. I love this on mayonnaise on toast.

Roasted Yellow Pepper Hummus

Roasted Yellow Pepper Hummus

Roasted Yellow Pepper Hummus; it’s hummus with a roasted yellow pepper mixed in. It makes it’s sweeter.

Voting and all that…

Voting and all that…

I didn’t vote in the last general election here. I want a political system where I get to vote on policies not people. So I decided I would only vote in referendums – because your vote really does decide something in a referendum. I have 

Lost Classic That Never Was – Part 10

Lost Classic That Never Was – Part 10

So this is the part of the movie where Howard (played by Gary Cooper) does the mad bad thing. What am I talking about? Only one way to find out – other than actually watch The Fountainhead, which I don’t recommend…

Vegan Wholemeal Scones

Vegan Wholemeal Scones

These vegan wholemeal scones use a mix of carrot juice, almond milk and lime juice as an alternative for buttermilk. Which gives them a very mellow taste. Unfortunately I’ve no gluten-free alternative for them, but if that’s not a problem for you then – enjoy!