Tag: gluten-free

Savoury Cake

Savoury Cake

This is so good. The savoury cake has a batter made with ground almonds, grated onion, eggs and seasoning. Why is this only the second time I’ve made it?

Lime and Coconut Loaf with Sweet Avocado and Lime Cream

Lime and Coconut Loaf with Sweet Avocado and Lime Cream

A gluten-free and dairy free lime and coconut loaf that’s perfect for afternoon tea. Or whenever really.

Fruit ‘n’ Nutty Fish Curry

Fruit ‘n’ Nutty Fish Curry

The original recipe for this curry is correct and milder than this version which I’ve made slightly hotter for winter.

Split Pea and Chorizo Soup

Split Pea and Chorizo Soup

This split pea and chorizo soup is an updated version of an old twimii recipe.

Chocolate Goodness Cake

Chocolate Goodness Cake

This is an update of an old twimii recipe and it’s surprisingly good. A lovely bittersweet bite of chocolate goodness – yeah that’s a thing. I hadn’t made this for years. I think 2012  was the last time I made it. If I bought dates