Greek Lemon Chicken and Potatoes

Greek Lemon Chicken and Potatoes

Greek Lemon Chicken and Potatoes is a one-pot dinner that’s full of healthy fat and very tasty to boot.

greek lemon chicken
Chicken portions marinaded and baked with lemon, garlic, dried oregano and lots of olive oil.

Originally I was just going to make Greek lemon chicken by itself. In fact I did. And I threw a couple of potatoes in the roasting pan. And I really liked the potatoes. Loved them in fact. Especially the day after, when they were cold from the fridge.

Don’t worry they also taste good warm. But I can’t resist them cold.

If you like salt and vinegar crisps I think you should like this. You do need to let it cool for 15 minutes after cooking. It just tastes sharp and a bit bitter while it’s oven-hot. But once it’s cooled a little it loses the bitterness and you can taste all the flavours. The flavour isn’t of salt and vinegar. It’s got much more depth and freshness to it. It’s very yummy.

And with all that olive oil you know it’s heart healthy.

So I looked up a lot of different recipes for this. Greek lemon chicken and potatoes are very popular and there are loads of recipes for it out there. But the two links I’ve kept are

So what’s there to do and see in Greece?

What’s there to see and do in the place where this European culture could be said to have begun? Quite a lot, I think. Have I been there? … No. … Writing these up has become slightly embarrassing because I’ve realised how little of the rest of Europe I’ve seen. I’m going to have to change that – when I can.

25 things to do in Greece – OK, I want to do everything on that list. Except climbing Mount Olympus. Going from couch potato to Goddess of Fitness sounds … impossible? … right now. Let me just check if there is an ancient Goddess of Fitness… Hygieia. Goddess of good health, cleanliness, and sanitation. Well then there’s no point in my climbing Mount Olympus. That position has been filled.

I love myths and legends. All those crazy gods and goddesses from Ancient Greece. I particularly like Poseidon. Not because he was nice. Because I love wild water.

Wild swimming… Apparently some people in Ireland Dublin have started calling swimming in the sea or ocean wild swimming… Wear whatever kind of robe or towel you like. But stop calling it wild swimming. Where do you think you are? You’re a few minutes walk to the nearest cafe is where you are. Wild.

But back to the beautiful Greece

Let’s get some more inspiration for things to do there.

But what it’s like for coeliacs? Well, I think there’s a lot of dishes in Greek cuisine that are naturally gluten-free. And according to this discussion on tripadvisor Greece is an easy place to manage as gluten-intolerant or coeliac.

Oh and there has been some very tasty looking Greek recipes posted online recently. A gorgeous looking one for stifado and this recipe for Greek potatoes with lamb chops and tzatziki. The potatoes in that are very similar to the ones here but with mustard and they’re vegetarian friendly. Could have them as a side to the mushroom moussaka for a carbtastic feast.

Actually check out all the Greek recipes on OK I’m going to have to try out loads of them.

ingredients for greek lemon chicken and potatoes
Chicken oyster thighs, lemons, potatoes, garlic, oregano, mixed herbs, chicken stock, salt and pepper

Greek Lemon Chicken and Potatoes

Serves 4 - 6


  • 5 - 6 Chicken oyster thighs
  • 6 - 8 medium-large potatoes
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 3 lemons
  • 75ml olive oil
  • 125ml chicken stock
  • dried oregano
  • mixed herbs
  • salt and pepper
  • tin foil and large roasting tin


  1. Sprinkle the chicken thighs with a little dried oregano, mixed herbs, salt and pepper.
  2. Turn the oven on to 200 C.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut into 1 cm slices
  4. Juice one of the lemons. In a sleep bowl whisk the juice together 50ml of the olive oil, a teaspoon of dried oregano, 3 - 4 sliced garlic cloves and a very generous pinch of salt and a little freshly ground black pepper.
  5. Add all the sliced potato to the bowl and mix around so that they are completely covered.
  6. Grease the large roasting tin with a little olive oil and place the potato slices in the pan.
  7. Whisk the chicken stock into what remains in the bowl. Pour this over the potatoes.
  8. Cover the pan with tin foil and bake in the oven for 45 minutes.
  9. While the potatoes are cooking marinade the chicken. Cut up the flesh of the juiced lemon into wedges and place in a 3 litre freezer bag. Add in the chicken thighs. Peel and bruise the 3 - 4 remaining garlic cloves and add to the bag. Juice one of the remaining lemons and pour the juice into the bag. Cut up the remaining flesh and add to the bag also. Add in a generous pinch of oregano, some salt and pepper. Pour in the remaining olive oil. Leave to marinade.
  10. When the potatoes have baked for 45 minutes, take out of the oven and remove the tin foil. With a fish slice move the potato around a little see how they are cooking.
  11. Turn up the oven to 215 C.
  12. Place the chicken on top of the potatoes, skin-side up. Pour over the remaining marinade but discard the flesh.
  13. Slice the last lemon into wedges and remove the pips. Give each lemon wedge a little squeeze over the contents of the pan before placing beside one of the chicken thighs.
  14. Bake for 45 minutes, uncovered. The chicken skin should be nicely browned by this time. If it isn’t leave it in for a further 10 - 15 minutes to make sure it’s done.
  15. When ready take the pan out of the oven and leave to cool for at least 15 minutes before serving - this is a necessary step.
  16. Serve with a sweet crisp salad. Enjoy!

potatoes pre bake
Potatoes sliced and cover in a mix of lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, chicken stock, herbs, salt and pepper
chicken marinade
While the potatoes are baking marinade the chicken in lemon olive oil, dried oregano, garlic, salt and pepper
chicken on half cooked potatoes
Place the chicken, and the rest of the marinade, over the half-cooked potatoes.
greek chicken potatoes feature
Leave to cool for 15 minutes after taking the pan out of the oven.
Greek lemon chicken and potatoes
Greek lemon chicken and potatoes with some salad.